Rich Kids
I work at a posh, downtown highschool in Melbourne. Only the very well off can afford to go to it. I have loved getting to know the kids there but sometimes the disadvantages of being advantaged break my heart:
Chad: "Where do you live?"
Dom: "Well I used to live with my parents further East, you know? But I was having too many parties and stuffing up the house and everything so they kicked me out."
Chad: "Serious? So what are you doing now?"
Dom: "I live in this apartment with this other guy who's already finished highschool and stuff. My parents pay for it and for our food and everything so it's alright. We can just do whatever you know. There's like a pile of pizza boxes stacked up next to the door."
Chad: "Oh."
Lucy: "Are you going anywhere this weekend?"
Em: "Nah, this will be the first weekend I haven't gone skiing the whole season."
Lucy: "Where do you go?"
Em: "Bulla" (i.e. the Vale of Aus. - snow is rare here, so skiing is pricy)
Chad: (high voice) "I go skiing every weekend, yawn. It's so dull."
Em: "As if you do!"
Chad: "Of course I don't. I was making fun of you."
Lucy: (offended) "Yeah - Em thinks just because we snowboard instead of ski that we're too poor to ski!"
Chad: "So how's the roomie and the apartment and everything?"
Dom: "It's good, yeah."
Chad: "Cleaned the place up in the last two months?"
Dom: "Nah. It was getting really messy so I rung up my mum, you know, to say 'this place is a shocking mess' and she just said [sighing] 'alright - I'll have someone sent over to clean up'"
Chad: "Serious?"
Dom: "Yeah."
Chad: "Oh."
Why is it that we are so caught up with giving our families "everything" only to find that it ruins the people we think we are loving best by addicting them to what matters the least?