A variety of thoughts from chad loftis


Our Chimney (Our Emasculated House)

"Mum tore the chimney off our house. It had been steely, erect, unsinkable in the tile-waves, locks of heat crimping its sides every Christmas after we lit the fire to pretend it was winter while Mum blanched in her memories and we sweated silently over unopened gifts. Smoggy curls, almost bad breath, snaked from its nostrils on Sundays when her swampy sighs extinguished us all, and rolling black smoke, freckled with sparks, spumed heavenward when we made the fire too big and sprinkled on secret handfuls of flour – like little witch doctors repulsing disease. But it’s just a hole now" -cml.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet words. i want to see the smouldering swampy witch's hut on a foggy day in a drawing or on film somehow? can you accomplish this task my young, feeble apprentice?

12:32 pm


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